Now Searchable!

Now Searchable!

Time and time again, we hear from our members that they want a cruise search within the membership site. Today, we have taken the first step with a new page for cruise searches. If you are a visitor, you’ll see that it is not blocked by the membership login. Members and visitors alike can find the cruise they want by searching destination, cruise line, or even by the ship they want to sail.

We are so excited by the development, that we initiated our first giveaway this morning. You probably saw it boldly displayed on the homepage. 

Enter in one of three ways — visit our Facebook page if you have not already; take a quick poll on your favorite cruise line; or visit our Cruise Savings Every Day page to see how we save our nurses money.

The giveaway lasts for a week but the search feature is here to stay. We are in negotiations with a supplier to  broaden our searches and provide live pricing for our members. When that comes onboard, members will be able to view pricing and book directly through this site, receiving all their membership perks in a seamless process.

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